알고리즘(Python, JavaScript) - 쇠막대기
1 | arrangement = "()(((()())(())()))(())" |
Expected Output
1 | return = 17 |
- A stick can be placed on a stick that is longer.
- Endpoints cannot be overlapped.
- Each stick has at least one laser cut.
- Laser does not cut at the endpoint.
- Parentheses that are closed right after opened represent lasers.
- arrangement.length <= 100,000
- opening.length == closing.length
1 | def solution(arrangement): |
1 | function solution(arrangement){ |
- ()는 반드시 레이저를 표현하기때문에 ()를 하나의 원소로 표현하기 위히해 “0”으로 치환합니다.
- () represents laser so replace them with one length element such as 0.
- arrangement를 하나씩 탐색할때 괄호는 여는 (를 만날때마다 쇠막대기가 하나씩 쌓이는 행위를 의미합니다.
- Exploring each element of arrangement, opening paranthsis represent stacking one layer of stick.
- 쌓임이 유지되다 레이저를 만나면 쌓인 레이어만큼 총 조각이 늘어나게 됩니다.
- While exploring and stacking layers, when you meet laser, as manay as current layer, you will gain total pieces.
- 쌓임이 유지되다 )를 만나면 유지되고 있는 레이어가 줄어듭니다.
- While stakcing layers, when you meet ), current number of layers loses 1.
- (를 만나면 레이어수인 opened_count를 늘리고 레이져를 만나면 만난 당시의 opened_count 만큼 총 조각 수인 final_count를 늘립니다.
- When you meet (, increase opened_count(current number of layers). When you meet “)”, decrease opened_count. When you meet “0”(laser), incrase final_count as much as opened_count.